Option 1: Selecting specific merchants for your campaign

For agencies with specific merchants required for their campaign objectives. Agency will contract, onboard, and train merchants directly.

If your voucher campaign requires a specific set of merchants, you will need to provide RedeemSG with the merchants to add to your campaign. Your agency will be responsible for directly contracting, onboarding, and training merchants.

When contracting with the merchants, do check with them on whether they have been onboarded to RedeemSG for other government voucher campaigns. Information required will differ if they are already onboarded.

(A) Information required for existing merchants

Existing merchants refer to merchants who have already been onboarded to RedeemSG and were given a Shop Code. The RedeemSG shop code is what merchants use to log into the RedeemSG Merchant app). This means that they are already part of a RedeemSG campaign and have an account tied to the RedeemSG mobile application.

We will require the shop name and shop code for these merchants. You may use the template below.

(B) Information required for new merchants

New merchants refer to merchants who have not been part of any RedeemSG campaigns.

We will require more information for merchants who are new to create their accounts for them. This includes their UEN, preferred payment method, and address.

Please use the template below. Column A, and H to O is compulsory to fill in. Input to column B - G depends on the merchants preferred payment method.

  1. Preferred payment method: Bank Transfer. Fill in columns B to D. Leave columns E to G blank.

  2. Preferred payment method: Paynow. Fill in either column E, F or G. Leave columns B to D blank.

Last updated